Shortened Terms and Conditions

When making a complaint, exchange or return, please always inform us in advance by email at




Basic information

These terms and conditions apply to contracts concluded by distance in the e-shop between the seller and the buyer in accordance with Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services under a Distance Contract and Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection.

The Seller is Glam Design s.r.o., Gabčíková 1, 841 05 Bratislava, ID No.: 36 799 106, VAT ID: SK 2022418508. Tel. 0917 494 345, e-mail: The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, section: sro, insert number: 46741/B.

The buyer is a consumer, i.e. a natural person who is not acting within the scope of his/her business, employment or profession when concluding and performing a consumer contract. Purchases made by a business entity are governed by the Commercial Code No. 513/1991 Coll.


Order and conclusion of the contract

The Purchase Contract is concluded on the basis of a proposal sent by the Buyer to the Seller in the form of a completed and submitted form via the Seller’s website. After the order has been sent, an automatically generated message confirming the acceptance of the order will be sent to the e-mail address in the Seller’s electronic system (hereinafter referred to as “order acceptance confirmation”). The order confirmation contains information that the Seller has received the order and is also an acceptance of the proposal to conclude the purchase contract. The conclusion of the Purchase Contract occurs at the moment of receipt of the order acknowledgement in electronic form.

Prices and method of payment

The prices of the goods are quoted in euros including all related taxes and fees. The buyer has the choice between payment on delivery, credit card and bank transfer. The Buyer is obliged to pay the Seller the agreed purchase price within the agreed due date, including the costs of delivery of the ordered goods. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of goods in the shop, to put new goods on sale, to announce and cancel discount promotions or to change these promotions, without prejudice to the Buyer’s rights arising from the order already placed or the contract concluded.

Delivery of goods

The Seller is obliged to deliver the goods to the Buyer without delay, no later than 30 days from the date of conclusion of the Purchase Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Purchase Agreement. If the Seller delivers the goods to the Buyer at the place and within the time limit, it is the Buyer’s obligation to take delivery of the goods in person or arrange for a person authorised by the Buyer to take delivery of the goods. The buyer is obliged to sign a record of payment of the purchase price, delivery and handover of the goods. The seller is entitled to invite the buyer to take delivery of the goods even before the expiry of the delivery period agreed in the purchase contract.

Warranty, claims and returns, withdrawal from the contract

For claims, exchanges or returns, please always inform us in advance by email at

If there is a defect in the goods which cannot be removed and which prevents the goods from being used properly as a non-defective item, the buyer has the right to exchange the goods or to withdraw from the purchase contract. The buyer has the same rights in the case of a removable defect, however, if the buyer cannot properly use the goods due to the reoccurrence of the defect after repair or due to a greater number of defects.

The Seller has notified the Buyer of his rights under Section 622 of the Civil Code and the rights under Section 623 of the Civil Code by placing these terms and conditions on the relevant subpage of the Seller’s e-shop and the Buyer had the opportunity to familiarize himself with them at the time before sending the order.

The Buyer is obliged to file a claim with the Seller or a designated person. The Seller shall be liable for defects in the goods within the meaning of the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic. Information about service points and designated persons for warranty and post-warranty service shall be provided by the Seller to the Buyer on the back of the warranty card or upon request by telephone or e-mail.

Complaint procedure for goods delivered to the Seller is initiated on the date when all the following conditions are met:

(a) delivery by the Buyer to the Seller of the notice of claim,

(b) delivery of the goods claimed by the Buyer to the Seller or a person appointed for that purpose,

(c) delivery to the Seller of access codes, passwords, etc., for the goods complained of, if such information is necessary for the proper handling of the complaint.

The Seller or a person authorised by the Seller shall issue the Buyer with a confirmation of the claim in a suitable form chosen by the Seller, e.g. by e-mail or in writing, in which the Seller is obliged to identify precisely the defects in the goods claimed and shall again instruct the Consumer on his rights under clauses 8.1 to 8.3 of these Terms and Conditions and on his rights under clauses 8.4 to 8.5 of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 8 of these Terms and Conditions applies to the handling of complaints. The Buyer has been duly acquainted with the Complaints Procedure and informed about the conditions and method of claiming goods, including information on where the claim can be made, and about the implementation of warranty repairs in accordance with Section 18(1) of Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on the amendment of the Slovak National Council Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on offences, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) at the time before the conclusion of the purchase contract by placing these terms and conditions on the relevant subpage of the Seller’s e-shop and the Buyer had the opportunity to familiarize himself with them at the time before sending the order.

If the claim is made by means of distance communication, the Seller is obliged to deliver the confirmation of the claim to the Buyer without delay; if it is not possible to deliver the confirmation without delay, it must be delivered without undue delay, but at the latest together with the proof of the claim; the confirmation of the claim does not have to be delivered if the Buyer is able to prove the claim in another way.

The Buyer shall not be entitled to claim liability for defects of which the Seller was notified or should have been aware at the time of conclusion of the contract.

Alternative dispute resolution

The Buyer has the right to ask the Seller for redress if he believes that the Seller has violated his rights or failed to handle the complaint to his satisfaction. If the seller does not comply with the request within 30 days or responds to it in the negative, the consumer may submit a proposal to initiate alternative dispute resolution to an alternative dispute resolution body (hereinafter ADR body) pursuant to Act No. 391/2015 Coll. The consumer may submit a proposal in the manner provided for under Section 12 of Act No 391/2015 Coll. The proposal may also be submitted online via the ADR platform RSO.

Alternative dispute resolution is reserved exclusively for natural person consumers, not for business buyers. Dispute resolution takes place between consumers and sellers who have concluded a distance contract and whose dispute is worth more than EUR 20. The maximum fee that ADR can charge is EUR 5 from the buyer to cover costs.

Withdrawal from the purchase contract

The Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Contract without giving any reason in accordance with § 7 et seq. of the Civil Code and Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling”) within 14 days from the receipt of the goods, or from the date of conclusion of the contract for the provision of services or the contract for the provision of electronic content not delivered on a tangible medium, if the Seller has timely and properly fulfilled the information obligations under § 3 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling.

Within 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the purchase contract, the buyer is obliged to send the goods back without undue delay using the identification number provided by the seller when submitting the complaint by e-mail to, or to hand them over to the seller or a person authorised by the seller to take over the goods. The time limit according to the first sentence of this point of the Terms and Conditions of Sale and Complaints shall be deemed to have been met if the goods have been handed over for transport no later than on the last day of the time limit.

The Seller is obliged to return the purchase price for the goods to the Buyer in the same manner as the Buyer used to pay for the goods, unless the Seller agrees with the Buyer on another method of return, without incurring any additional costs to the Buyer in this respect.

Privacy Policy

The purpose of the processing of personal data is to use them for the performance of the consumer contract that the seller concludes with the buyer by creating an order in this online store. This consumer contract is also the legal basis for the processing of the buyer’s personal data. The provision of the personal data of the buyer is a contractual requirement that is necessary for the conclusion of the contract. The provision of personal data is a condition for the purchase in the seller’s e-shop. If the buyer does not provide the seller with all the required personal data, this may result in the purchase contract not being concluded.

The Seller processes personal data in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and only processes personal data necessary for the conclusion of a consumer contract.

By ticking the appropriate box before submitting the order, the Buyer may consent, within the meaning of the Act, to the Seller processing and storing his/her personal data, in particular those listed above and/or necessary for the Seller’s activities related to sending information on new products, discounts and promotions on the goods offered, and to processing them in all its information systems related to sending information on new products, discounts and promotions on the goods offered.

The Seller undertakes to handle and dispose of the Buyer’s personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic.

The Buyer will be asked to confirm by ticking the box that the Seller has sufficiently, clearly and unmistakably informed the Buyer before sending the order:

  • its identification data, which are set out in Article 1 of these Terms and Conditions,
  • the identification details of the third party company that will supply the Buyer with the goods ordered, so that these details are indicated in the acceptance,
  • the purpose of the processing of personal data, which is the conclusion of the purchase contract between the Seller and the Buyer,
  • that it will process the Buyer’s personal data in the scope of name and surname, permanent address including postal code, telephone number and e-mail address, if the Buyer is a natural person, and in the scope of business name, registered office address including postal code, ID number, telephone number and e-mail address, if the Buyer is a legal person,
  • that the Buyer is obliged to provide the requested personal data.

The Buyer has the right to request the Seller in writing to provide such data:

  • Confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him are processed,
  • the purpose of the processing of the personal data,
  • information in a generally comprehensible form about the processing of his personal data in the information system and about its status in the following scope: identification data of the Seller and the Seller’s representative, if appointed, identification data of the processor; this does not apply if the Seller does not proceed according to § 34 of the Personal Data Protection Act when obtaining personal data,
  • in a generally comprehensible form, precise information on the source from which he obtained the personal data for processing,
  • in a generally intelligible form, a copy of their personal data subject to processing,
  • such other information as is necessary to enable the purchaser to safeguard its rights and legitimate interests, taking into account all the circumstances and conditions of the processing of personal data, in particular to the extent of the instruction to provide the requested personal data voluntarily or under an obligation to do so; if the Seller obtains the Buyer’s personal data on the basis of the Buyer’s consent under the PDPA, the Seller shall also inform the Buyer of the period of validity of the consent, and if the Buyer’s obligation to provide personal data results from a directly enforceable legally binding act of the European Union, an international treaty to which the Slovak Republic is bound or a law, the Seller shall inform the Buyer of the legal basis which imposes this obligation and shall inform the Buyer of the consequences of refusing to provide personal data,
  • information on third parties to whom the personal data are or are deemed to be disclosed,
  • the range of recipients to whom the personal data are or are deemed to be disclosed,
  • the form of disclosure, if personal data are to be disclosed,
  • third countries, if it is envisaged or understood that personal data will be transferred to those countries,
  • the rectification of inaccurate, incomplete or outdated personal data subject to processing,
  • the destruction of his or her personal data where the purpose of the processing has been fulfilled; where official documents containing personal data are the subject of the processing, he or she may request their return,
  • the destruction of his/her personal data subject to processing if there has been a breach of the PDPA or other applicable Slovak legislation.